Monday, September 15, 2014


Impending change brings out the worrier in me. The last time I was facing a graduation, I thought I had it rough. I had two great schools to pick between. Realistically, it shouldn't have been that hard of a decision, but it was one that kept me up at night. That had me making pros and cons list all through classes I should've been paying attention to and pondering my place in the universe as an individual. Who was I? Why was I there?

Now, the choices are a bit more vague. Instead of being an either/or proposition, this next graduation is an open-ended question. What kind of work will I do? Where will I work? Where will I even find a job? How am I going to pay off my student loans? Why can't I ever wake up in time for brunch? The questions, really, are endless.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I've Moved (But I'm Still Here!)

In fact, I've moved three times since the last time I updated this blog. I adopted 2 cats (Rufus & Charlie), and fostered 4 (who are all happily in homes that are not mine). I finished the first 2/3 of law school. I've had good jobs and bad jobs. I've learned more recipes, I've bought some art, and I've crossed more places off my travel bucket list.

I genuinely thought I was done with this blog (/with all blogs ever. For all of time). Then I came back and actually read it, and there were a million things I didn't remember. Things I still wouldn't remember had it not been for this space. So I'm going to give it another chance!

Hi again, stay a while, and let's catch up.