Tuesday, March 27, 2012

And speaking of growing up....

I know it's a constant process but sometimes I feel like it happens in waves. There are times when you don't feel yourself getting older until you look back and realize how far you've come. But then there are times, like graduation, where you feel like everything's happening overwhelmingly fast. Or maybe that's just me.

The tricky thing
Is yesterday we were just children
Playing soldiers
Just pretending
Dreaming dreams with happy endings
In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
But now we've stepped into a cruel world
Where everybody stands and keeps score

Please excuse my nostalgia/worry/stress. It's just that time of the year. It makes me feel like I should make some kind of list for the next year, to give myself some sort of structure. To make sure that I can do everything I want to do. Because I want to go to law school but there's also a million other things I'd love to do.

I'd like to adopt another cat from the shelter and give it a loving home. I'd like to write a book. Then, maybe not in a year but soon after, publish it. I'd like to start acting again. It was the thing I loved as a child but had to quit when I moved. I'd like to grow as a person and row a kayak and fly a kite. Did I mention I was on the Price is Right? As an audience member, not contestant but it's still pretty cool. I know I have time to do all of those things but sometimes, it's nice to write them all out. Things feel more accomplish-able this way for me.

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