Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moving On

I try to not be one of those people who live in the past. Really. For the longest time, I held on to my senior year of high school like it was the last donut in a Shipley's (I know they're horrible for you, but I am a fan). It wasn't until about halfway through my college career that I realized it was becoming increasingly difficult to cling to something that had already happened while trying to blaze forward. So, I figured, in order to enjoy the present, I was going to have to appreciate it. Maybe every moment wouldn't be my greatest but it would always be that irreplaceable moment that would never happen again. And I'm glad I did let go because my junior year was pretty fantastic. In fact, looking back on it, 99% of my college career was amazing.

But now, going into my senior year, there is another something I can't quite seem to let go.


I fell in love with this city. With this crazy, wonderful, now-rioting city. And I absolutely loved my semester there. Now, frying in this INSANE Texas heat (highs of 110!), I can't help but fantasize about the cold, and the snow and boots and scarves.

I know I don't want to spend my senior year lingering on things and people and places 2000 miles away but I figured I'd pay it one last homage before I finally put it behind me and carried on.

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