Monday, December 19, 2011

Bucket lists

I found the link to this tumblr on Pinterest today and I spent quite some time looking at all of the things people wanted to do with their lives. (I just got my wisdom teeth out today so I have a lot of time to kill). Anyway, one of the things that really struck me was how incredibly lucky I have been. Some things that people have only dreamed about, I've already gotten to do and I haven't even graduated yet!

But I must say there is one that I am itching to try:

I've never been one for lists, especially bucket ones that make me feel all kinds of stress out, but this close to the New Year to think about what kind of adventures you want to go on and who you want to be on January 1 :) But until then, there is so much Christmas fun to be had! I still have to catch you up on J's birthday! (22, the old man) And the end of the last fall semester of college. I just can't believe time flies so fast.

Hoping everyone's holidays are happy and bright!

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